Coulda Shoulda Woulda

Ya, you know what I’m talking about. We all slip into the doldrums from time to time on the “I could have done that, I should have done that, I would have done that” and we think of all the reasons why we didn’t. Some we view with regret, and others with mixed emotions. It…

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Pay it Forward

It’s so wonderful to read stories and see articles that show us, the human race, being kind to one another. It’s a nice change from all the ugliness of the day’s depressing news. I know that when I’ve read stories, it has inspired me to do something nice for someone as well. Whether it’s giving…

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Stop Wasting Your Time!

I am the perfect person to write something about wasting time, because I have perfected it. Seriously. I am the QUEEN Time Waster, otherwise known as procrastinator. Recently I decided that I needed to give up this title, because I will never accomplish my goals if I choose to keep it. Unless you were a…

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Don’t Ever Trash Talk Family

Disclaimer: I am writing about family, but just because I’m writing it doesn’t mean that the issues I bring up are going on in mine. I am speaking broadly, to encompass many families that I know, friends families, neighbors families, and co-workers families that I know experience the things I am planning on writing about….

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How to Raise Kind Kids

TEACH YOUR CHILDREN If you want your child to be kind, they have to be taught. Children follow by example, and every single bad habit you do, they can see, and will most likely copy it as well.  Your little mini-me is a sponge, soaking up everything you do, and copying you exactly. There is…

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Pick your Mood!

Yes, you are capable of picking your mood, just like you can pick your nose. It can be done, (even if you have fat fingers! Ha ha) Rude joking aside, it really is up to you to pick your mood. You can’t leave it up to fate or chance, or how you feel when you…

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Every Marriage Needs Laughter!

I’m sure you read the title, and thought to yourself, whaaaaaat?  Every marriage needs romance! Well yes, yes it does. But every marriage also needs laughter. You and your significant other need to be able to laugh with each other, and to laugh at each other. Laughing with each other is absolutely imperative, because it…

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This is not a healthy pursuit. No matter what injustice has happened, no matter how big or small, there is no room in your life for revenge. It is an insidious poison that will take over your thoughts, your actions, and words and will slowly destroy you. How? Maybe not actual death, but it will…

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