Rise Above Being Rude

Guess what. There are rude people everywhere. I can guarantee you that each day you will encounter someone who is rude. For most of us, we don’t get out of bed and make it our goal for the day to be rude to someone, it just happens. It can happen because we are frustrated, or…

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Stop Wasting Your Time!

I am the perfect person to write something about wasting time, because I have perfected it. Seriously. I am the QUEEN Time Waster, otherwise known as procrastinator. Recently I decided that I needed to give up this title, because I will never accomplish my goals if I choose to keep it. Unless you were a…

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Don’t Ever Trash Talk Family

Disclaimer: I am writing about family, but just because I’m writing it doesn’t mean that the issues I bring up are going on in mine. I am speaking broadly, to encompass many families that I know, friends families, neighbors families, and co-workers families that I know experience the things I am planning on writing about….

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