I am so HAPPY!
And what do I have to be happy about? First things first – God LOVES ME! Even though I’m imperfect, he loves me for who I am.
I have noticed a common thread among Christians – and that is that many of them do not understand God’s forgiveness. And because of that lack of understanding and acceptance of it – they cannot forgive themselves, and/or others.
I am divorced, and remarried. Well, guess what. God loves ME! He died on the cross to save me from my sins, and that covered ALL the sins I will commit in my entire lifetime. God hates divorce – yes that is completely true. And why does he hate it? Because of all the hurt it causes. It is painful. And it doesn’t only affect the husband and wife – it has a deep impact on all family and extended family as well.

But because God has forgiven me (I’m the one who left my husband) I can hold my head up high and rejoice! I don’t have to walk around beating myself up. I am ALLOWED to be happy! I can experience the joy of the Lord. He has not turned his back on me. He loves me, and holds me close. He listens to me, and answers my prayers. I can’t wait to meet him in person!
I am blessed to be married to a wonderful man, who also was divorced. And you know what? We have learned from our past mistakes, and we have moved on. We have put the Lord first in our lives, and he will honor us for it. We are not perfect, but we are FORGIVEN! His word states that as far as the east is from the west, that’s how far our sins are removed from us, when we repent and ask forgiveness. Wow.
I cannot change what has happened in the past, but I do know for certain that God will not be bringing it up again. It’s done. Finished. Therefore, I don’t need to dwell on it, or allow it to cause me pain. PHEW!

God is amazing. He is wonderful, almighty, and powerful. He died for me. He died for YOU! He wants us to love him. And I’m happy to say that I love Him with all my heart. Not just a little bit – but ALL my heart, soul, strength and mind.
I trust him with my life, and I know that he is guiding and directing me. I’m looking forward to the next chapter in my life….!!!
It doesn’t matter that I have a “divorced and remarried” status – God doesn’t view us with those kind of labels. He sees our hearts, and that’s it. Isn’t that great?
And THAT is why I am happy……..!!!!!