We are in a fallen world. God loves us, and yes, he does allow things to happen. We can’t question him about it unfortunately, and it’s hard to make sense of it all. But just know that God is in control. He sees what is going on. He sees the good and the bad. He sees the unfairness. He sees what you are going through. And He is always there. God doesn’t step in and prevent bad things from happening, that’s not how he works. He does not interfere with our lives, but what he does is promise that he is beside you all the way, and that you will NOT be given more than you can handle.


All we need to do is trust him. There are so many promises in His word, I highly encourage you to get a bible and read it! Do a google search on whatever it is you are needing help or support with, and it will tell you what verse to look up. The bible is an excellent source on how to live. Personally, one of my favorite verses is in Proverbs 3:5-6:  “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In ALL your ways acknowledge him, and He will direct your paths.”


My Grandma Bayley also loved this verse, and I remember us having a really great conversation over tea one night. (I lived with my Grandma in the 80’s for 2 years while I attended College). My Grandma and I were discussing trusting in God, and she brought up those verses. This is the gist of our conversation:

“Donna, notice that is says Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart?” (and she really emphasized the word ALL) It doesn’t say just a little bit, or a teeny tiny piece, it says ALL!  And it’s important that you trust Him in ALL your ways, not just in one area. You are not really trusting in the Lord with ALL if you are spending your time worrying about things. Just give it over to him and let him carry it!” Oh my goodness. I just love my Grandma, and loved hearing her advice. She is now in heaven, but I am so grateful for her wisdom, her love, and her daily prayers for me. As a side note, one of the best things you can do for your family is pray for them!


And now since I already brought up my Grandma Bayley, I just have to write a few more things about her. She loved the Lord so much, and it showed in everything she did. Grandma was kind, and I never once heard her speak negatively about anyone. Grandma used to tell me about her father, and one of her favorite memories of him was that he used to carry around a big bible tucked underneath his arm, and he would often quote scriptures to her, starting with “you know what the bible says Annie?” How wonderful is that!

My Grandma loved God with all her heart, and she actually got on her knees every night before bed, and would pray for all of her children, and her grandchildren, including me! And then once we grew up and had kids, she prayed for her great grandchildren as well. I remember her confessing to me that once she was in her 90’s, she didn’t kneel anymore beside the bed, because it was too hard to get back up, so she would sit instead. I’m sure God didn’t mind one bit!


My Grandma fully trusted in the Lord, and she relied on Him. One time she awoke in the night and heard noises, and when she got up to investigate, there was a man on a ladder trying to break into her spare room window. She didn’t panic, but prayed for protection, and of course, called the police. The next night she went to bed and slept soundly, and when we all marveled that she wasn’t upset, she said, “God is looking after me. Each night I pray, “In peace I will lay down and sleep, for you alone, oh Lord, make me dwell in safety”.

Grandma had prayed that every single night. My Grandfather had passed away when I was 16, and Grandma lived all alone in her house, until her death over 25 years later. Now, how many Grandparents do you know who live alone in their house till they are 95? WOW huh! Grandma exuded love and peace, and it was her love for the Lord that shone through. I am so thankful that I had such a wonderful example in my life. Thank you Grandma! I’m sure you’re up in heaven wearing a crown so huge that you can barely walk!


We need to trust God with everything in our lives, and just hand it over. He can see down the road, and he knows what roadblocks that are coming up. We cannot. So, we get impatient, and try to force things that shouldn’t have happened. God’s timing is always perfect. It truly is. Trusting is the hard part, but if we get it right? Abundance of joy! Even if we get things wrong, we need to remember that it’s only one step back to God. All we have to do is turn around, and He’s right there. RIGHT THERE. Remember that. No matter how far you have wandered, even if you’ve been out walking for years, it’s only one step back. ONE.


One Sunday while I was at church, I was rather stressed out about a few things that were going on in my life. I was miserable, upset, and had knots in my stomach. Of course, God in his wisdom knew exactly what I needed to hear, and the sermon that morning was just what I needed. I remember thinking, “really God – thank you!” And then guess what happened. The Pastor made us all stand up and close our eyes. And this is what he said next:

“I know some of you are carrying burdens right now that are just too heavy. You are tired, stressed out, and don’t know what to do. (Did he just read my mind?  WHOA!) What you need to do right now is let go of those things and give them to God. You just need to let go. So as a step of faith – hold out your hands in front of you, palms up.”

(I put my hands out palms up, and waited) There was a long silence for a while.

“Now, I want you to imagine all the things you are worrying about, and imagine you are holding all of those things in your hands right now. Pretty heavy huh. Well, now I want you to turn your hands over, and let it go. Let it drop out of your hands. Let your frustration, anger, resentment, anything you are carrying go.  That’s it – now turn your hands over and drop those problems.”


Guess what. I stood there with my eyes shut and palms facing up, and I struggled with turning my hands over. I couldn’t. I felt justified in being angry. I started re-living scenarios in my head that caused me to be feeling the way I was. I argued with myself.

Suddenly I heard the Pastor’s voice say again, “turn those palms over, and let it go. You can do it. Let God carry it for you instead.”

And once I heard that, I MADE myself turn my palms over, and you wouldn’t believe the sense of relief that came flooding through my body. Suddenly, I realized that I was carrying stuff that I didn’t need to be carrying. God has way bigger hands than me, and what was I doing caring it around? Silly Donna!


Now, that is my favorite thing to do. Whenever I get stressed about something, I hold my palms up, and pray. I tell God, “here is my problem, I can’t carry it anymore, it’s too heavy, can you carry it for me?” And then I turn my palms over. Problem solved!  If I start to worry about the same thing, I go through the same process once I realize that I’ve picked it up again. God really does carry our hurts, our pain, our sorrows. We don’t need to haul it around with us. When you learn to let go, you will be able to move on in your life and experience joy like you never had before. When someone tells you to let it go, do it literally. Do the palm thing. Drop off your problems.

If you don’t know God, and want to know him, leave me a message. Let’s talk! God is real, he loves you, and cares about you. He has a plan and purpose for each one of us. You are never alone. God is love, and he loves you and me!

Trust in God, and Let GO!

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