My name is Donna Elaine Lovett, I now live in Nanoose Bay, BC (formerly Langley, BC) and I just turned fifty six years old. I am divorced and remarried to the perfect man made just for me. I have one adult son, two adult stepchildren, six grandchildren, one French Bulldog, and three cats. I have wanted to write a blog for years. I started, but then life just got too busy and crazy for me to keep it up, as you can see by the dates in my archives. I am finally in a place mentally and physically that I can devote time to writing. I’m so excited – because I have so much to say about everything! I have also not posted anything since COVID and our move to Vancouver Island in 2021, but I hope to begin again soon.
I decided that I simply could not write a blog about one thing. Or one topic. Rather, I thought I could write about everything I know. What I know I can share with you, so that it helps you, my reader. I want to encourage you, relate with you, and empathize with you. Even though we are not related, we are all connected, and we all have the same problems. Issues. Wants. Cares. Hurts. Pain. We all suffer the same way, yet different settings, different family. But at our core, we are the same.
The title of my blog is this-n-that chitchat, and that’s what I hope to do. Chat about topics that are relevant to me, and relevant to you. I can offer some advice on the things I know about, and I can relate advice that I’ve learned from others.
Take a dive in the pages, and look for topics that are interesting to you. Of course, comments are always welcome, but if it’s rude, condescending, mean, hurtful, (you get the drift) then I won’t even allow it to be published, so don’t bother.
If you have any topics you want me to talk about – let me know, and I’ll be happy to write!